Leukemia Cup Pursuit Race #1
June 7, 2017
Leukemia Cup Pursuit Race #1 –after work on Friday, June 16th
This is a great chance to have FUN in a low-key sailboat race while supporting an important charity, the Leukemia Lymphoma Society. ALL of the minimal registration fee will be donated to this charity. After racing you are invited to socialize at EYC’s Sailing Center. Complimentary burgers & dogs with all the fixings will be available along with a cash/chit bar.
Our signal boat, the Emerson T. Oliver will be standing by at 6:00 pm at the mouth of Marblehead Harbor - easy to get to. The choices of the course to be sailed are shown at the Regattaman.com web site. The wind direction will dictate which will be used. Your start time will be counted down over VFH and/or directly to your smartphone. No big crowd on the starting line!
Please be sure to do the simple online registration at www.regattaman.com . Start by clicking on the ‘Calendar’ tab then scroll down to June 16 & the Leukemia Cup Pursuit Race #1. By clicking on the ‘Info’ block on the right you will see choices such as “View Current Race Entries” and “Register on Line”. There you can do the registering & pay by credit card.