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Skipper Seeking Crew

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Name: Edward
Email: Ryan@658925
Phone: 617-538-4118
Boat Type: 1979 Pearson 32
Position Openings: Looking for crew to race on a 1979 32-foot Pearson. The bottom has been faired and burnished. New sails are arriving in April. Last year we raced with a new Zeus 3S. This year I hope to add the Hercules. In the early 90s I was Mass Bay and Boston Harbor Fleet Champion. Looking for multiple crew members. Racing experience would be great but not absolutely necessary. It’s more important that you have the desire to put the effort in necessary to compete for a championship. We can all improve as we race.
Posted: 2025-01-21 at 09:15:28
Name: Jim Mega
Phone: 617 543 4920
Boat Name: Falcon
Boat Type: 32 foot carbon fiber race sailboat
Position Openings: Main trimmer Foresail trimmer Bow person Navigator
Posted: 2023-03-29 at 15:37:37
Name: Richard Carter
Phone: 603-493-3330
Boat Name: BlackSheep
Boat Type: Heavy displacement sloop, Pearson 424
Position Openings: Foredeck and winch monkey. No experience necessary. Thursday evenings at Jubilee YC
Posted: 2022-04-08 at 09:27:38
Name: Daniel Heun
Phone: 508-282-0587
Boat Name: Moxiee
Boat Type: J122
Position Openings: Seeking experienced 8th crew for Bermuda race. Have raced twice N2B. 2016 & 2018. Seeking trimmer, with ability to perform most positions over the course of 600nm and 4 days of blue water racing.
Posted: 2022-02-25 at 20:09:36
Name: Jim Mega
Phone: 617-543-4920
Boat Name: FALCON
Boat Type: Columbia Carbon 32
Position Openings: Navigator Bow
Posted: 2022-01-10 at 03:12:53
Name: Neal
Phone: 207-450-3999
Boat Name: Enterprise
Boat Type: Ericson 38
Position Openings: No experience necessary, seeking trimmers, foredeck,etc for Casco Bay, Maine racing and more. Thursday nights and some weekends.
Posted: 2021-12-28 at 04:51:31
Name: Neal
Phone: 207-450-3999
Boat Name: Enterprise
Boat Type: Ericson 38
Position Openings: No experience necessary, seeking trimmers, foredeck,etc for Casco Bay, Maine racing and more. Thursday nights and some weekends.
Posted: 2021-12-28 at 04:51:29
Name: Mark Sinofsky
Phone: 603-867-8904
Boat Name: Sugar Rush
Boat Type: X-34
Position Openings: General crew, depending on number aboard.
Posted: 2021-05-18 at 17:14:34
Name: Blake Jackson
Phone: 781-883-3295
Boat Name: GoFast
Boat Type: J105
Position Openings: Foredeck, Rail Meat
Posted: 2021-01-21 at 15:08:00
Photos by Marblehead Studios
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