2021 PHRF-NE Early Discount!
January 7, 2021
Dear PHRF Racers,
The PHRF-NE Executive Committee is pleased to offer a $5 discount for early applications again in 2021. Applications prior to April 1st will receive this discount. We are all looking forward to getting out on the water this summer, hopefully in some semblance of normalcy. As a reminder, we are offering to our members the possibility of short handed certificates should your racing plans require it. Our executive committee is made up of a team dedicated to the success of sailing in our area:
Commodore: Chuck Twombly
Vice Commodore: Rob Gorman
Rear Commodore: Robert Bova
Treasurer: Bump Wilcox
Commodore Emeritus: Gregg Nourjian
Photo by Phil Smith
Head over to phrfne.org to renew your handicap application or apply for a new one. Do not hesitate to reach out to me at processor@phrfne.org if you have any trouble accessing your member log in or any questions.
Best Regards,
Lindsay Smith
Certificate Processor