Email Archive
Survey & Rules Seminar
March 20, 2021
Hello PHRF Racers,
- Spring has almost sprung! As a reminder to save the date, our online Rules Seminar with Nancy Glover and Rick Myers is April 1st. Both are National Judges, and they will explain the new Rules changes, and how they will affect us while racing this year and for the next few years. Details next week on login information.
- As promised, we have put together a short survey. Our way of finding out the racing programs you all are involved with, and would like to see from PHRF-NE in the future. Please just reply to this email and write 1. yes or no 2. yes or no etc. Please add any comments you wish at the end, then hit send. It will only take about 60 seconds, and will be very helpful to us at PHRF-NE!
The Do You Race Survey
1. Do you race weekends?
2. Do you race evenings?
3. Do you race using a spinnaker?
4. Do you race shorthanded?
5. Do you race with a full crew?
6. Do you prefer to race PHRF?
7. Do you prefer to race ORRez?
8. Did you race last year?
9. Will you be racing this year?
10. Would you race in a PHRF Regional Regatta in your area?
- Please help us out by filling out the survey, it will help us a lot. Its a pleasure to serve you all, and we are looking forward to a great sailing season.
- PHRF certificate applications are going great, the $5 discount goes away April 1!
Chuck Twombly
Commodore PHRF-NE