2025 New Bedford Yacht Club Annual Regatta
January 20, 2025
For Immediate Release:
The New Bedford Yacht Club located on the scenic shores of South Dartmouth, Massachusetts will be hosting its 3rd NBYC Annual Regatta (formerly known as the Buzzards Bay Regatta) on August 2nd and 3rd, 2025 with racing held on the open waters of Buzzards Bay.
Featured race classes are PHRF Spinnaker and Non Spinnaker, PHRF Racing Double Handed, ILCA (Laser) and ILCA Masters, Etchells, Rhodes 19, and Marshall Sandpipers. NBYC invites participation regardless of club affiliations or memberships. All PHRF sailors from out of town will be provided a mooring for the weekend at no charge.
Included in the scheduled events are buoy racing on Saturday for all classes and a short distance race for first-time racers and recreational cruising sailors.
Saturday events are capped by a festive onshore party featuring food, beverages, live music and dancing under the tent on the NBYC lawn.
Sunday, PHRF racers will participate in the Dick Fontaine Memorial Long Distance Race on the Bay, typically a 20-25 mile course around government marks giving competitors a full Buzzards Bay experience of wind, waves, and tidal currents. The One Design class races will continue with buoy racing, followed by an awards celebration for all competitors.
Buzzards Bay is known as one of the premier sailing venues in North America with reliable wind conditions that challenge expert and beginning sailors alike. NBYC has recently hosted regional and national one design championships, and is known for exceptional race management. 'The NBYC Annual Regatta has something for every sailor: for the serious one design or big boat racer, to the young competitor looking to mix it up with the big boys in the ILCA class and even the casual cruiser that's looking to try their hand at friendly competition without breaking the bank,' says Event Chairman Rob Hoyt. 'And it all comes together at one of the best after-race parties in the region on Saturday night!'.
Come experience the fun and excitement of Buzzards Bay sailing over the first weekend in August and you'll understand what people have been talking about for decades. The NBYC Annual Regatta is 'The Place to Race' this summer!
For more information go to www.nbyc.com/racing