Spring 2014 Governor's meeting
April 11, 2014
The Spring Governor’s meeting was held at the Jubilee Yacht Club on 10 April 2014.
Proposed updates to the By-Laws were discussed. Some were found to be not needed. The By-Laws define a structure and not the day to day running of an organization. The Executive Committee will come up with proposed changes to be voted on at the Fall meeting.
A question about the genoa size for the base boat was raised. The B-Laws state that it is 155% unless in a one design configuration. A number of the newer boats cannot fly a 155 due to chain plates at the rail and long spreaders. Some wording will have to be crafted to account for these boats.
Term limits were discussed. These would not apply to the fleets as PHRF does not control them. The three top Commodore slots are already two year billets.
John Collins discussed the spinnaker study. The present spinnaker credits/charges were the result of a study a number of years ago using the IMS VPP. Recently, Quantum Sailmakers has financed an extensive wind tunnel test program of spinnakers. The ORR VPP has thus been updated. PHRFNE entered into spinnaker test program with US SAILING using the ORR VPP. A proposed list of permutations and variations was hammered out with US SAILING. Collins then contacted Lake Michigan PHRF to see if the would want to join in. They are also contributing a thousand dollars which enables more variations to be run. Preliminary results are expect by the end of April. These will be reviewed over the summer and changes will be proposed for 2015.
Matt Delaney reported on his attending the US SAILING Leadership Forum. He reported that PHRFNE seemed to be ahead of the others as far as certificate processing technology is concerned. It was pointed out that PHRF fleets should safeguard personal information.
Matt Delaney showed that our certificate fee is below, and in many cases far below, that of any other group. Since we are financially solvent there was not need seen to raise our fee. It was agreed that a full financial report should be given at both the Spring and Fall meetings.
Russ Chapman reported that the regatta to replace the PHRFNE Championships, aka Intergalactics, will be called the One/Offshore Championships. They have hired Carter White of Regatta Promotions. The web site is up; .
Russ asked if PHRFNE would provide money to help run the regatta. It was pointed out that, in the past, the championships had a separate account and in all but one year was completely supported by entry fees and income from sponsors with no money from the PHRFNE general account.